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Enfield Centre for Natural Health - My talk in February 2014

I was given the honour of talking at the Enfield Centre for Natural Health in February 2014, a local charity set up to champion integrated medicine and the use of complementary medicines in the area. The charity celebrated its 15th anniversary in 2014 and I would urge you to get involved! They hold regular talks and discussions on various aspects of health which are really interesting and informative at Jubilee Hall, Parsonage Lane, Enfield and looks to be a really good one!

As promised - I have included my recipes from my talk last night...

Onion syrup

•Layer slices of onions with honey/agave syrup in a jar

•Leave overnight

•Strain the juice

•Onion syrup! Sounds nasty but great for colds.

•Throw some thyme in there too if you like – thyme is a fantastic herb for the upper respiratory tract

Iron Boosting Hot Chocolate (oh yes)

•Good quality cocoa powder

•Cacao liquor (100% chocolate)

•Full fat milk

•Full fat cream


•If dairy problems, ¾ cup of almond milk and ¼ of coconut milk,

•Mix one heaped teaspoon of cocoa powder and honey into a little milk, mix into a paste

•Add rest of milk and cream whisk together

•Bring just below boil, take pan off heat

•Chop approx 1 teaspoon of Cacao liquor, add to hot cocoa and whisk

•Drink one cup each day whatever time you want

All ingredients are available from the Village Wholefood Store, Forty Hall - where you will also find lovely organic and local fruit and veg, honey, bread and cakes...

I hope that all who attended the talk now have a grasp on what Herbal Medicine is and are more inclined to come and seek out the help of a Herbalist, do drop me a line for more info or to book an appointment.

Love, health and happiness!

Joh xxx


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